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Alkalikus foszfatáz (ALP) - Felnőtt - Laboreredmények - WEBBeteg. Magas ALP általában azt jelenti, hogy a csont vagy a máj károsodott alp labor. Ha más májtesztek, úgymint a bilirubin, az aszpartát-aminotranszferáz (GOT), vagy az alanin-aminotranszferáz (GPT) is magas, akkor általában a magas ALP máj eredetű betegségre utal. Ha a kalcium- és a foszfáteredmény kóros, akkor az ALP csont eredetű .. Mi az alkalikus foszfatáz? Mit jelent a magas és az alacsony érték? alp labor. Az alkalikus foszfatáz (ALP, AP) egy gyakran végzett, egyszerű vizsgálat, amelyre sok esetben a rutinlabor részeként kerül sor, és elsősorban a májfunkcióról, valamint a csontanyagcseréről nyújthat hasznos információt. alp labor. Eredmények a rutin vérképben - Alkalikus foszfatáz (AP, ALP). Az AP normál értéke: 20-140 U/l (egység/liter). Az alkalikus foszfatáz enzim a szervezet minden szövetében megtalálható, de nagyobb mennyiségben tartalmazza a máj, az epe, a belek, a csontok, a vese és a méhlepény. Három fő típusa létezik: a bél, a méhlepény, és a nem-specifikus típusú.. Mit jelent az alkalikus foszfatáz (ALP) érték a laborleletben?. Az alkalikus foszfatáz (röviden ALP, vagy AP), egy olyan enzim, ami a fehérjék lebontásában vesz részt alp labor. Egészséges emberi szervezetben minden szövetben megtalálható, de a vérben lévő ALP mennyiség egyenlő arányban származik a májból és a vázrendszerből (csontokból) .

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. ALP (alkalikus foszfatáz) - Medicover. Magas ALP általában a máj, vagy a vázrendszer károsodására utal. Ha az egyidejűleg végzett májtesztek, mint a bilirubin, a GOT vagy a GPT, szintén emelkedett értéket mutat, akkor az ALP a májból származik. Ha a foszfát és kalcium szint kóros, akkor az ALP csont eredetű. alp labor. ALP szint meghatározása - Medicover Magánkórház alp labor. Magas ALP általában a máj, vagy a vázrendszer károsodására utal alp labor. Ha az egyidejűleg végzett májtesztek, mint a bilirubin, a GOT vagy a GPT, szintén emelkedett értéket mutat, akkor az ALP a májból származik. Ha a foszfát és kalcium szint kóros, akkor az ALP csont eredetű.. Májbetegségre utaló laborértékek | Házipatika. Az ALP ( alkalikus foszfatáz, referenciatartomány 40-115 U/L) szintje nagyon megemelkedik D-vitamin-hiány, a csontanyagcsere zavarai, csonttörések, epeúti elzáródások és sárgaság esetén, akárcsak ha olyan betegségek állnak fenn, mint a Cushing-szindróma, terhességi toxiémia, mononukleózis, máj- vagy vérképzőszervi daganatok. alp labor. Laboreredmények keresője - WEBBeteg, 1.oldal. Alfa 1-savanyú glikoprotein Alfa 2-makroglobulin Alfa-2 AP Alfa-amiláz (pancreas funkció, vér) Alfa-amiláz (vizelet) Alfa-föto-protein (AFP) - nem terhességben Alkalikus foszfatáz (ALP) - Felnőtt Alkalikus foszfatáz (ALP) - Gyermek ALS (aldoláz) Amiláz Ammónia Ammoniumürítés Androstendion (férfi) Androstendion (nő). Alkalische Phosphatase - DocCheck Flexikon. Die Alkalischen Phosphatasen, kurz AP oder ALP, sind eine Gruppe von Enzymen, welche die Fähigkeit zur Spaltung von Phosphorsäuremonoestern haben. Die Bestimmung der alkalischen Phosphatase dient als Indikator für Erkrankungen der Leber und der Gallenwege sowie für Veränderungen des Knochenstoffwechsels .. Májfunkció laborvizsgálata - Medicover. A vérvétellel történő laboratóriumi vizsgálati csomag segítségével megítélhető a máj normális funkciója alp labor. Felvilágosítást ad a máj gyulladásos eltéréséről, az epe kiválasztásról és a gyógyszerek, alkohol, drog, illetve egyéb toxikus anyagok májkárosító hatásáról. alp labor. Alkalikus foszfatáz (ALP) - Dr. Balaicza Erika. Az alkalikus foszfatáz egy enzim, melyet többféle szervben megtalálható (máj, csont, méhlepény, bél); az ezekben zajló elváltozások, folyamatok esetén az ALP aktivitása megnő, vagyis ilyenkor emelkedett értéket mérünk a vérben. Kinek ajánljuk a vizsgálat elvégzését?. Nagylabor csomag - Medicover alp labor. A nagylabor laborcsomagunk általános laboratóriumi szűrővizsgálatokat tartalmaz, melyek segítségével sok betegség már korai szakaszban, panaszmentesen is felismerhető. alp labor. Laborvizsgálat, vérvétel - Panoráma Poliklinika Budapest. FELNŐTT PÁCIENSEINK SZÁMÁRA AZ ÁLTALÁNOS LABORVIZSGÁLATOK, VALAMINT A COVID ANTITEST (ELLENANYAG) VIZSGÁLATOK ILLETVE PCR ÉS ANTIGÉN GYORSTESZTEK VIZSGÁLATI HELYSZÍNE MINDEN ESETBEN A 1126 alp labor. BUDAPEST, DERKOVITS U alp labor. 7

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. SZÁM ALATTI RENDELŐNK! Vizsgálatok vérmintából - laborvizsgálati területek. Alkalikus foszfatáz | Lab Tests Online-ES. Az ALP általában egy laboratóriumi rutinvizsgálati profil része, gyakran a májpanelnek nevezett egyéb tesztekből is álló csoport része. Az ALP-t több más teszttel együtt kérik, ha egy betegnek máj-, vagy csontrendellenességre utaló tünetei vannak.. GGT | Lab Tests Online-ES. MEGJEGYZÉS: Ha valamilyen orvosi, laboratóriumi vizsgálattól fél, vérvételkor hajlamos a rosszullétre vagy szorongás fogja el, . az ALP és a GGT is emelkedett, addig a csontbetegségben csak az ALP emelkedett. Ha a GGT-szint normál, de az ALP-szint emelkedett, az ok nagy valószínűséggel a csontbetegség. A GGT-vizsgálat .. A legfontosabb vérvizsgálati eredmények jelentése - Dr. Balaicza Erika. Ionvizsgálatok Az ionok vizsgálata a víz- és sóháztartás állapotáról ad pontos képet

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. Az ionok a sejtekben és a sejtek közti térben helyezkednek el. A kálium különösen fontos szerepet játszik a szervezet működésében. Vízhajtók hatására lecsökkenhet a kálium szintje, viszont csökkent veseműködés esetén megemelkedik a kálium a vérben. alp labor. Általános laboratóriumi vizsgálat csomagok - Medilum. Laboratóriumi vizsgálatok. Alap májműködés-vizsgálat; Allergiavizsgálat; Általános laboratóriumi vizsgálati csomagok; Covid19 vizsgálatok; Cukorkontroll vizsgálati csomag; Egyparaméteres vizsgálatok alp labor. D-vitamin; Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) INR; PSA; Epicutan allergiateszt; Inzulinrezisztencia-vizsgálat; Kilégzési tesztek .. Májfunkció - Milyen laborértékek informálnak a májműködésről?. Alkalikus foszfatáz (AP, ALP) A GOT, a Gamma-GT és az AP majdnem minden szervben előfordul, nem kizárólag a májban. A GPT ellenben elsősorban a májban található meg. A máj megbetegedése sok esetben ezeknek az értékeknek az emelkedését okozza.. Laboreredmények jelentése | Gellért Labor - Vérvétel Budapesten .. Kisebb mennyisége az ALP-nek megtalálható a terhes nők méhlepényében és a bélben. Ezek a szervek mindegyike az ALP-nek különböző formáit tartalmazza alp labor. Az Ön laboratóriumi leletén az a referencia tartomány van feltüntetve, amely a vizsgálatot végző laboratóriumban érvényes. Mindenképpen ajánlott az eredményeket .. Szentpétervári egyéni városlátogatás | Bono Utazási Központ. Szentpétervár a világ legészakibb milliós nagyvárosa. I. Péter cár álma, az orosz birodalom egykori fővárosa mára ismét régi fényében tündököl. A várost azonban nem csak a méltán híres fehér éjszakák idején érdemes felkeresni, hiszen az elegáns belvárosi paloták, a Néva csatornáin tett sétahajózások vagy az Ermitázs hatalmas gyűjteménye önmagában is .. Google Maps. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.. Balti államok és Szentpétervár - finnországi ízelítővel alp labor

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. Utazásunk fő vonzerejét Szentpéterváron kívül a 3 gyönyörű főváros, Vilnius, Riga és különösen Tallin jelentik, megtekintésük nagy él­ményt jelent még a legtapasztaltabb világ­uta­zók­nak is. Szentpétervár, Észak-Európa leg­na­gyobb városa, a nagy­ha­talmú orosz cárok egykori szék­helye egye­dül­álló műem­lé­kekkel rendel­kezik.. Egy hetes utazás Szentpétervárra 37.380 Ft-ért . - Utazómajom. Budapest ⇄ Szentpétervár alp labor. Ára tagságival 24.380 Ft, nélküle: 30.780 Ft ! Megnézem.. Labor MP urges crackdown on Australians funding illegal Israeli . alp labor. The ALP member for Bruce, Julian Hill, wants the Australian government to take a tougher stance against settler activity, including a ban on Australians funding Israeli settlements.. Christina Applegate makes moving appearance at the Emmy Awards. Christina Applegate was moved to tears during Mondays Emmy awards telecast when she appeared on stage to present the awards for outstanding supporting actress and outstanding lead actress in a .. Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor .. The U.S. Department of Labor (the Department) is modifying Wage and Hour Division regulations to replace its analysis for determining employee or independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA or Act) with an analysis that is more consistent with judicial precedent and the Acts text and purpose. DATES:. Labors Anthony Albanese Is Not a Friend of Australias Left - Jacobin alp labor. The three-decade-long push against left-wing ALP members continues today alp labor. And Anthony Albanese was — and is — a central protagonist in that struggle. As leader of the federal ALP, Albaneses record speaks for itself. He has affirmed Labors support for fracking, for subsidies to coal mining, and for detaining refugees in offshore prison . alp labor. Australias Public Sector Union Is in Decline Thanks to Its Labor .. In 2008, the CPSU claimed a membership of 56,680. By 2020, it had declined to 41,302. Now the Labor government the CPSU wanted is in power, and its betraying the hopes the unions leadership vested in it. This could accelerate the unions decline, precipitating an existential crisis. The need for a new leadership and new strategy couldn .. Identity crisis: who does the Australian Labor Party represent? alp labor. Diagnosing Labors malaise. The ALP has been unable to define itself as anything but a party devoted to free-market reforms since the Hawke government in the 1980s. The party has lobotomised .. PDF Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch) Rules - NationBuilder. South Wales Branch), known as NSW Labor for all people involved with NSW Labor. The following policies sit alongside the Code (Associated Policies): 1.1.1. Policy on Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response; 1.1.2 alp labor. Policy on Harassment and Bullying Prevention and Response; and 1.1.3. Complaints Handling Policy. 1.2. The ALP is the party of .

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. Australian Labor Party | Canberra ACT - Facebook alp labor. Australian Labor Party alp labor. 332,496 likes · 6,242 talking about this. Authorised by Paul Erickson, Australian Labor Party (ALP), Canberra.. The Australian Labor Party and the pitfalls of the politics of avoidance. The current state of the Australian Labor Party is a good case study in this politics of avoidance. Its membership base has all but collapsed, its primary vote is at a historic low and its .. Labor rejects ban on native forest logging as PM accuses Greens of .. Labor Environment Action Network spokesperson, Felicity Wade, praised the commitment but labelled native forest logging a "travesty" in a speech to Labors national conference on Thursday.. Labor plan to ease housing crisis will create just 3% of dwellings .. "The federal Labor government plans on spending $224bn over 10 years on the stage 3 [income] tax cuts, but only $10bn on building social and affordable housing, which is a real kick in the teeth . alp labor. ACT Labor Party - Wikipedia alp labor. The ACT Labor Party, officially known as the Australian Labor Party (Australian Capital Territory Branch) and commonly referred to simply as ACT Labor, is the ACT branch of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). The branch is the current ruling party in the Capital Territory and is led by Andrew Barr, who has concurrently served as chief minister of the Australian Capital Territory since 2014.. Extreme elevations of alkaline phosphatase in pregnancy . - ScienceDirect. Her labor was induced with a Foley balloon and Pitocin. She had a successful vaginal delivery of a viable, male, 3160-g infant. She received routine postpartum care. ALP levels were checked immediately postpartum (2767 U/L), at two weeks postpartum (702 U/L), and at her six-week postpartum visit (191 U/L). alp labor. Red-hot anger: Why Labor is on a tightrope over its response to the . alp labor. "Red-hot anger" is how one Labor politician described the feeling in their community, a heartland ALP seat, over the federal governments response to the conflict in Gaza - and the . alp labor. Australian Labor Party National Conference - Wikipedia. The Australian Labor Party National Conference, sometimes referred to as the National Party Conference or the Federal Conference, is the highest representative and decision-making body of the Australian Labor Party, incorporating all of the partys state and territory branches.The National Conference takes place triennially and is hosted in Australian cities on a rotating basis. alp labor. Leaders of the Australian Labor Party - Wikipedia. The leader of the Australian Labor Party is the highest political office within the federal Australian Labor Party (ALP). Leaders of the party are chosen from among the sitting members of the parliamentary caucus either by members alone or with a vote of the partys rank-and-file membership. The current leader of the Labor Party, since 2019, is Anthony Albanese, who has served as the prime .. Australian Greens stage housing protest at Labor Party conference. Housing protesters outside ALP Labor conference alp labor. For all Chandler-Mahers rhetoric, the Greens have repeatedly offered further concessions in their negotiations with the Labor government.. Lang Labor - Wikipedia. Lang Labor members of the 14th Parliament, Old Parliament House, Canberra, 1935. Lang Labor was a faction of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) consisting of the supporters of Jack Lang, who served two terms as Premier of New South Wales and was the partys state leader from 1923 to 1939. It controlled the New South Wales branch of the ALP throughout most of the 1920s and 1930s.. Albanese is determined to keep Labors eyes firmly focused on a second .. Labor is less than halfway into its first term, but Anthony Albanese is focused, laser-like, on its second one. Securing it, that is. His message to delegates at the partys national conference on . alp labor. ALP conference 2023: Labors argument with itself on AUKUS. Labors argument with itself on AUKUS. Tom McIlroy Political correspondent. Aug 18, 2023 - 7.17pm. Edited statement by ALP national conference on Enhancing Australias National Security.. Vajon mit jelent az ALP, GOT, GPT, és GGT? - GPT (glutamát-piruvát-transzamináz) A GPT alanin-aminotranszferáz (ALAT vagy ALT) néven is ismert. Az előző enzimhez hasonlóan szívben, izmokban és a vesékben is termelődik. Emelkedett értéke szintén utalhat májgyulladásra, mérgező hatásra, továbbá a hasnyálmirigy gyulladására vagy daganatára, de ugyanúgy kimutatható .. Julia Gillard | Biography & Facts | Britannica alp labor. Julia Gillard (born September 29, 1961, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales) Australian politician who served as leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP; 2010-13) and as prime minister of Australia (2010-13) alp labor. She was the first woman to hold either office alp labor

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. Early life. Gillard was born in Wales, but her family joined the wave of post-World War II emigration from Britain to Australia in 1966.. How the influence of trade unions on the Labor Party is overestimated. AAP/Josephine Lim alp labor. The Australian Labor Party was formed by trade unions in the 1890s alp labor. It is one of a small number in the world where unions affiliate directly with the party. This gives the .. Inside the team that lost it for Labor - Financial Review. The ABCs election analyst Antony Green had called a win for the Coalition just after 9.30pm alp labor. Nothing explained the gulf between the 37 per cent primary vote they anticipated and the sub-34 they .. Labor has won the election and these are their policies alp labor. Labor committed to the $4.5 billion upgrade plan already underway. It has also promised to spend a further $2.4 billion expanding full-fibre NBN access to an additional 1.5 million premises by 2025.

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. Tony Sheldon (politician) - Wikipedia. Occupation alp labor. Trade unionist. Anthony Vincent Sheldon (born 26 August 1961) is an Australian politician and trade unionist. He is a member of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and has served as a Senator for New South Wales since 2019. He was previously a senior figure in the Transport Workers Union (TWU), serving as state secretary (1999-2008 .. Anthony Albanese - Wikipedia. Anthony Norman Albanese (/ ˌ æ l b ə ˈ n iː z i / AL-bə-NEEZ-ee or / ˈ æ l b ə n iː z / AL-bə-neez; born 2 March 1963) is an Australian politician serving as the 31st and current prime minister of Australia since 2022. He has been leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) since 2019 and the member of parliament (MP) for the division of Grayndler since 1996. Albanese previously .. How the Myths of "Progressive Neoliberalism" Hollowed Out . - Jacobin alp labor. Meanwhile, Labors Left faction came to distinguish itself internally from the Labor Right in similar terms. The ALP that emerges in Robinsons book is a party that lacks an engaged membership, led by a political elite still waging old faction fights that date back to the Cold War, with little or no grounding in contemporary Australian .

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. What is Labors $10bn social housing fund and will it be torn down by .. The construction union, which is affiliated with Labor, has said that the housing Australia future fund doesnt go far enough because its promise to create 30,000 homes over five years is .. The Australian Labor Party Just Voted for the Right to Be a Bigot - Jacobin. The ALP has had a virtually identical policy as the Coalition on offshore refugee detention for decades now. More recently, Labor abandoned its promise to reverse massive tax cuts for the richest Australians implemented by the Liberals and Nationals. alp labor. PDF Labors Plan for a Better Future. - The Conversation. Authorised by Paul Erickson, Australian Labor Party (ALP), 5/9 Sydney Ave, Barton, ACT. ©2022 Labors Plan for a Better Future. 2 Foreword

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. Labors Plan for a Better Economy, Better Budget and Better Future A better future relies on a stronger, broader, more inclusive, and more. Australia to officially resume use of term Occupied Palestinian .. In 2018 and 2021 Labors national conference backed a resolution that "supports the recognition and right of Israel and Palestine to exist as two states within secure and recognised borders .. A history of the Australian Labor Party, 1890-1967 | Links. By Peter Conrick Conricks History of the Australian Labor Party originally appeared in Direct Action (the precursor to Green Left Weekly), newspaper of the Socialist Workers League of Australia, between December 21, 1972, and June 14, 1973, and was published as a pamphlet by the Socialist Workers Party in 1979. The SWP is now the Democratic Socialist Perspective (DSP).. The Australian Labor Partys Left Faction Is Just Propping alp labor. - Jacobin. However, the Labor Lefts leading figures have been unwilling to bring these efforts together into a real push for democratization of the ALP. George Simon and the Head Office group are in fact actively complicit in their own subordination to the Right, entering into shabby deals with their nominal opponents, stitching up preselections and .. Australian Labor Party split of 1955 - Wikipedia. The Victorian ALP state executive was officially dissolved, but both factions sent delegates to the 1955 Labor Party conference in Hobart. Movement delegates were excluded from the conference. They withdrew from the Labor party, going on to form the Australian Labor Party (Anti-Communist) which in 1957 became the Democratic Labor Party.. Coalition edges out Labor amid Voice fallout - Financial Review alp labor. Tuesdays Roy Morgan poll showed the Coalition leading Labor on a two-party preferred basis for the first time since the 2022 election, at 50.5 per cent (compared with 49.5 per cent for Labor .. Australian Labor Party National Executive - Wikipedia. The Australian Labor Party National Executive, often referred to as the National Executive, is the executive governing body of the Australian Labor Party, charged with directly overseeing the general organisation and strategy of the party.Twenty members of the National Executive are elected by the partys National Conference, which is the highest representative body of the partys state and .. The Australian Labor Party Needs to Ditch Neoliberalism . - Jacobin. How Labour Built Neoliberalism, a book by political economist Elizabeth Humphrys, is a meticulously researched diagnosis of the malaise that has plagued the Australian labor movement since the 1990s.Its a vital perspective on politics in Australia over the last thirty years. Wayne Swan, the national president of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), recently decided to engage with her argument .. Antenatal Betamethasone for Women at Risk for Late Preterm Delivery. We conducted a multicenter, randomized trial involving women with a singleton pregnancy at 34 weeks 0 days to 36 weeks 5 days of gestation who were at high risk for delivery during the late .. Inside the union factions that rule the ALP conference - Financial Review. On Sunday, Labor rebuffed a bid by the TWU and CFMEU - with the support of the broader union movement - to kick retail funds out of super and fast-track increasing super to 12 per cent from .. Gough Whitlam - Wikipedia alp labor. Edward Gough Whitlam AC QC (11 July 1916 - 21 October 2014) was the 21st prime minister of Australia, serving from 1972 to 1975.He held office as the leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), of which he was the longest-serving

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. He was notable for being the head of a reformist and socially progressive administration that ended with his removal as prime minister after controversially being .. ALP national conference day 2 - as it happened - The Guardian. 18 Aug 2023 00.03 EDT. The conference was meant to have started the last session of the day by now, but it is running a little behind. The last session went over, but given what happened on the .. Working for Australia | Policies | Australian Labor Party. The Albanese Labor Government is working for Australia by: • Supporting Australians with the cost of living with cheaper childcare, cheaper medicines, extended paid parental leave, energy bill relief and fee free TAFE. • Investing record amounts into Medicare and bulk billing alp labor. • Building new homes, investing in affordable housing and .. 2027 New South Wales state election - Wikipedia. Background. At the previous state election held in 2023, the Australian Labor Party (ALP), led by Chris Minns, won the election after spending 12 years in Opposition.The election saw Labor win 45 seats to the Coalitions 36 seats on election day, allowing Labor to form an initial minority government.The Greens retained their three seats, while the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers lost all three .. The faceless men who started it all have no regrets - Financial Review alp labor. A decade after Labor torched a first-term prime minister, the partys faceless men tell Phillip Coorey they have no regrets. Bitar, who at the time was the ALP national secretary, did not have .. Dick Smith issues a wake up call for Anthony Albanese - and the dire .. Mr Smith told Daily Mail Australia that Labor had failed in its duty to help people in outer suburban battler heartlands, who traditionally vote for the ALP. Labor has failed the working class .. Labor Right - Wikipedia. Labor Right. The Labor Right, also known as Modern Labor or Labor Unity, is a political faction of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) at the national level that is characterised by being more supportive of free markets and more or equally socially conservative than the Labor Left [6] The Labor Right is a broad alliance of various state factions .. 2022 Victorian state election - Wikipedia. Daniel Andrews. Labor. The 2022 Victorian state election was held on Saturday, 26 November 2022 to elect the 60th Parliament of Victoria. All 88 seats in the Legislative Assembly (lower house) and all 40 seats in the Legislative Council (upper house) were up for election at the time the writs were issued, however the election in the district of .. Kevin Rudd | Biography, Facts, & Apology Speech | Britannica. Kevin Rudd (born September 21, 1957, Nambour, Queensland, Australia) Australian politician, who served as leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP; 2006-10; 2013) and prime minister of Australia (2007-10; 2013) alp labor. Rudd grew up on a farm in Eumundi, Queensland. Politically active from his youth, he joined the ALP in 1972.He attended the Australian National University in Canberra, where he ..